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WhatYouCanRead.com provides links to thousands of news sources covering every world's country and many of subjects.We Have the largest database of newspapers and important Links directory on the Internet, with listings for about 30,000 newspapers and top news sites from all over the world. WhatYouCanRead.com is a complete guide to world media sources where readers find stories quickly whether it's news from Big Newspapers or a small regional weekly newspaper in World.

All listed sites are Mostly in English and provide free online content.Over 200 countries are represented at WhatYouCanRead.com. Our magazine and newspaper listings are categorized not only by their country of origin, but are also subcategorized by topic - be it art, business or travel. Basic and advanced search engines can be used to search publications by name, keyword, category or location.

Visitors can read their favorite news sources online.Though we are trying to be objective, description and selection of sites are based only on our personal opinion.

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Also note that linking to other resources does not mean that we support the views of those sites.

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